Love is like sunshine. It brings a golden glow to its beholder's face. And a warm feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes. And when its over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars. To remind the world, that it still exists.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Segi University Kota Damansara

This is my college.....fuyooo....lawa kn???...huhuhu...this is my 1st college i entered after i finish my study at secondary school....actually i can't expect that i will further my study at that mom and my youngest sister who are accompany me to registered on that college that time....of course 1stly i feel very sad coz i'm gonna miss my mom so much but i never show it on my face coz i don't want make my mom feel the same way also..:(...but somehow now i can make myself comfort here...and i like it coz i got a lot of friend which is everyone of them comes from different states....


Life as a nurse

Actually b4 tis i have some dreams tht i'm not even make it come true of it is a nurse...i'm still working on it to make my dream come true...wish me luck k...:) mom also whose the person give me a lot of support to make sure i can be a nurse...LURVE  U MOM...mmuuaahh...:)..

work as a nurse is actually not easy as a teacher....patients always count on u!!! also usually rely on nurse to make sure patients got a better services and a nurse,we must gentle,friendly,a lot of passion and the most important things is sincere when doing our job....

10 january 2010

so sweet kn picture nie...huhuhuh...nie la present yg kter bg kat die time anniversary ari tu...time nk blikn present utk die ari 2 mmg stress pkir pe yg nk bg tp ntah cmne ntah leh dpt idea nk bg frame nie kat of the things tht i can't affort 2 4get is......JENG JENG JENG...heheheh...ceteka ceteka...kter xdpt nk lpekn time kter bg present nie kat die...time 2 rse bdebar sgtttt coz tkot die xske ngn present nie...BUT kter xsngke plak mse die dpt present nie mke die sweet appy je dpt present drpd kter...time 2 mmg i can't stop looking kat him....comeynyerrrr...grrrraaammm!!!!...rse nk cium2 je pp nsb bek la i dpt control prsaan u...ahaks....hehehhe

it's my soul n my life

this is the 1st guy which is already taken my heart...i'm also can't expect that i will fall in lurve wif him...coz b4 tis it's very hard for me to fallin in lurve wif somebody...thanks my dear for giving me some space to be in lurve n fall in lurve...LURVE U SO MUCH BABY!!!!....mmmmuuuuaaahhhh...:)...